Android emulator crashes as soon as it starts

After a complete reinstall of my mac and Xamarin Studio, I was quite surprised to see my Android simulator die on startup. No messages where displayed in the XS “Error” pad or “Deploying to device” pad. Just “Execution failed”.

The problem

I opened up the AVD manager and started an emulator manually. The result was the same, but at least I had some feedback:

HAX is working and emulator runs in fast virt mode.
emulator: Listening for console connections on port: 5554
emulator: Serial number of this emulator (for ADB): emulator-5554
Failed to sync vcpu reg
emulator: ERROR: Unfortunately, there's an incompatibility between HAXM hypervisor and VirtualBox 4.3.30+ which doesn't allow multiple hypervisors to co-exist.  It is being actively worked on; you can find out more about the issue at (Android) and (VirtualBox)

After searching the web, it seems that the Android emulator isn’t so happy when docker is running on your machine. Turning off docker when starting an emulator is a workaround. Yes, you really need to “quit” docker. Even when no instance is running you can’t start an emulator.

Fixing the problem

Installing HAXM 6.1.1 seems to solve the problem. Only, when I installed it via the Android SDK Manager I still got the same issues. When installed via the Android SDK Manager, the necessary files are made available in the folder:


Running the IntelHAXM_6.1.1.dmg installer again (although I got the message it was already installed) solved the problem.
